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on January 7, 2008 at 8:59:04 am



1. Cryptic (7)-Having a meaning that is mysterious or obsure

"Each event spoke with a cryptic tongue."


2. Doggerel (24)-verse or words that are badly written or expressed

"A tall black boy recited a long, funny piece of doggerel, replete with filth...."


3. Languor (8)- The state or feeling, often pleasant, or tiredness or intertia.

"There was the languor i felt when i heard green leaves rustling with a rainlike sound."


4. Surreptitiously (50)- Kept in secred because it would not be approved of.

"So, surreptitiously, i took some of the biscuits from the platter and slipped them into my pocket..."


5. Emulate (73)- Match or surpass ( a person or acheivement) usually by imitation

"I reslolved that i would emulate the black women if i was ever faced with a white mob."


6. Grapple (81)- engage in a close fight or struggle, with out weapons; wrestle.

"Returning to grapple with the old problem."


7. Elicited (92)- Evoke or draw our (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to ones own actions or questions.

"Every blow landed elicited shouts of delight."


8. Morose (86)- sullen and ill tempered

"I became morose."


9. Palatial (128)- resembling a palace in being spacious or slendid

"....a renouned scientist who rigged up a mystery room made of metal in the basement of his palatial home."


10. Invectives (149)- insulting, abusive, or highly critical language

"As they hurlded invectives, they barely looked at each other."


11. Boon (150)


12. Impudent (157)


13. Sonorously (155)


14. Florid (163)


15. Impetus (173)


16. Repugnant (199)


17. Terse (278)


18. Feudalism (265)


19. Libations (282)


20. Oblique (286)


21. Malinger (293)


22. eschewing (295)


23. Insurgent (302)


24. Tacubtyrb (313)


25. cibdescebsuib (317)


26. Bourgeios (331)


27. Internecine (368)


28. Recrimination (361)


29. Truncated (374)


30. Erstwhile (367)





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