

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago




Story starts off at the grandma's in Natchez, Mississippi.(West Helena) Richard is about 4 years old. (around 1912)

Then they move to Memphis, Tennesee because of hunger and need.

Then to Elaine, Arkansas to their aunt maggie's house because the grandma is to strict.

Then back to granny's in West Helena because aunt maggie runs off with a professor.

Then moves to Jackson Mississpi to live with Uncle but still be close to his mother.

Then back to Grandmother's with everyone back in the same house and they all decide they want to go to chicago.

Then to Chicago for a life free of racism.



These above are the locations but that is only half of it. 


The setting is in the American South during slavery and racism and the depression.  Richard Wright falls upon many acts of racist acts towards him throughout his years of both public and private schooling.  dealing with trouble with the law and alcoholism at the age of 6, RIchard White was thrown through a life of turmoil and Struggle against all odds to become one of the greatest african American writer of our time.


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